Witch of Wonder

  • ARC of The Nowhere by Chris Gill
    Honestly, this is another book that I am still unsure of. I did like it but I think it’s one of those books that I would only read once. ...
    First, LOOK HOW PRETTY THE COVER IS. Second, I LOVED THIS BOOK!! Which isn’t a surprise since its structure is similar to Patrick N...
    Enter Eliza's world and Be Swept Away by Monstrous Sea
    My First Requested Review!!
    I was super excited to read this book as the author, Nicky Blue, contacted me and asked if I would review it. I, of course, said yes! Let ...
    Since Halloween is almost upon us, I thought I’d create a list of some of my favourite supernatural reads. So in no particular order, I’ll...
    October Reads
    Lucy Dillon - The Secret of Happy Ever After
    Warning: This review contains major spoilers! This book had so, so much potential. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t relate to the main c...
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